City of Fairborn: Parks & Recreation
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What Where Minutes Agendas
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Spark Fairborn 305 W. Main Street, Fairborn, OH 45324 No minutes available. No agendas available.
Board Description
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board was created by Ordinance Number 8-56 and updated with Ordinance Numbers 2-63, 47-89, and 22-03. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board advises the City Manager and Council on recreation programs and activities. It also makes and approves plans for the physical development of park and recreational facilities within the City and recommends land use plans to the Planning Board, and facilities plans to Council. Board members are also active in helping with community events and fundraising opporunities.

Advisory Board meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 5:30 pm at Spark Fairborn (305 W. Main Street)

Interested in becoming a part of this impactful and active board? Please visit the following link to apply today! City of Fairborn Board/Committee Application

High School students who are interested in serving on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and reside in the Fairborn city limits or attend school in Fairborn are eligible to become full members of the board. Click here to view the application. Please call the Parks Office for any questions regarding Student Board Members.